Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 04:30:40 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #370 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 7 Nov 94 Volume 94 : Issue 370 Today's Topics: Any way to access packet from Internet? CD Recording of Mod Types Compatible radios with KPC9612 FBB or MSYS mailing lists??? GE Master II mods? GRAPES (56Kbps) setups MFJ Data Radio? NOS-BBS LISTSERVER Pactor, HF, Binary Fi Pactor, HF, Binary File Transfers ( CDN Question) Pakratt for Windows-PK232MBX Problem Uzbekistan licensing requirements? (2 msgs) WINSOCK <-> AX25 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 09:20:44 LOCAL From: (Bob Nielsen) Subject: Any way to access packet from Internet? In article <395em9$> (LARRY SHEPHERD ) writes: >From: (LARRY SHEPHERD ) >Subject: Any way to access packet from Internet? >Date: 1 Nov 1994 13:09:29 GMT >Is there anyway to access packet via Internet. My ham radio equipment >not up and running. I know that there must be FCC regulations that limit >access somehow. Larry, K3LS > There are several Internet-to-packet gateways running. Generally, you need to have the sysop set up permissions for you to be able to access the radio side, however (to keep the FCC happy). There is a list of gateways on a server in Australia called "minnie", but I can't seem to locate the full address in my pile of papers here. Bob ------- Bob Nielsen, W6SWE Tucson, AZ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Nov 94 03:37:52 PST From: Subject: CD Recording of Mod Types Kevin Hansen writes... >Advertised in the "First October Issue 1994" of Amateur Radio Trader >is a 2-CD (audio) set of modulation types. The copy claims 71 >emmissions with a running time of 2.5 hours. The price is $75 which >includes worldwide registered airmail (the seller is in Germany). > >Have you heard of this item (or, better yet, used it)? > >Kevin Hansen >WD6FFB > This is the Klingenfuss CD Recording of Modulation Types. I bought it soon after buying the Universal Radio M1200 digital radio decoder card. It contains copy of most digital transmission types. Mainly a wide variety of diplomatic and military types. I used it to familiarize myself with the sounds of digital types and also to verify the operation of my M1200 decoder card. The CD set does not include examples of G-TOR or Clover and would benefit from a few more examples of various MCVFT and WDM types. Still, I found it useful in developing a basic recognition of digital types. Basically, if you have an average ear, you will only come to recognize ten or so basic types. The ARQ types have their chirp-chirp, and you may learn to distinquish SITOR-A and a couple more. And the fundamental ITA RTTY will become familiar, but the various speeds will still be hard to disting- uish. The FEC types will be harder to discern. They usually have a rhythym or grittyness different from ITA Baudot. On a few occasions, I have played the CD while listening to an unknown on the receiver. This has helped me to sort out and decode a couple of signals. Using the CD to verify the operation of your decoder card is equally valuable. When you first get your decoder, the frustration of failing to decode much can easily discourage you. With the CD set you can learn to sort out the speeds and frequency shifts, and more importantly, learn the tricky art of manually syncing to FEC signals. Clearly, I think the CD set is worth owning. Klinginfuss publishes a large library of books related to Utility Radio. I have bought most of and consider them to be a valuable reference library. Hope this helps... Bye... Ted.. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 07:32:50 From: (Dave Stroup) Subject: Compatible radios with KPC9612 To all: I have just recently purchased a KPC 9612. I am trying to get information on radios that are compatible with the 9600 baud port in the 2m and 70cm bands. Can someone please provide a list of, preferably, the cheapest, radios that fit these criterion? Thanks in advance!!! Dave - N0ZLZ *************************************************** Dave Stroup N0ZLZ ( *************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Nov 94 16:34:12 MST From: (David Dodell) Subject: FBB or MSYS mailing lists??? (Keith Goobie) writes: > In article <> > > >Thank you for reading this posting. I am wondering if there are any FBB or > >MSYS related mailing lists I can subscribe to, similar to the NOS-BBS list? > > For FBBS try It is a typical listserve system.. f6fbb-list is the list address, email to join the list should be sent to; first line of text "subscribe f6fbb-list" david wb7tpy postmaster, --- Editor, HICNet Medical Newsletter Internet: FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165 Bitnet : ATW1H@ASUACAD ------------------------------ Date: 31 Oct 94 21:57:00 GMT From: (Steve Diggs) Subject: GE Master II mods? -> Newsgroups: -> From: (Gary Skuse) -> Subject: GE Master II mods? -> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 19:19:28 GMT -> Message-ID: -> -> Our local club just acquired a GE Master II for use on the 2M user -> port. Can anyone point me toward information to modify this radio for -> both 2M use (i.e. how do I tune it for the 2M band) and use at 9k6 -> bps? All help will be greatly appreciated. -> -> 73, ka1njl Glad to hear other folks beginning to use this excellent radio for packet use. I have a GEMII of the 70cm variety that I am modifying for 9K6 packet repeater use, and have been working on the mod. since acquiring the unit at Dayton this year. First thing to keep in mind: the MII comes in MANY different manufacturing versions, and it is quite easy to inadvertantly pick up the WRONG docs for the exact unit you have. There will be a paper tag on each PCB assembly section; go by THAT number to match docs. Disregard any other info! Next, a simple question: in the control head area up front of the radio, you will find a bank of pins labelled P904. Is one of those pins marked "DISC" ?? On the receive side, my interface worked the first try. The DISC pin noted above comes right off the IF. To improve bandpass characteristics of the IF receive audio, the final RC filter may have to be removed, but anyway, I was able to copy beacon text without ANY modification. On the transmit side, the general approach is to use the temp. compensation curcuit in the ICOMs as a way to impose 9k6 modulation on the transmit signal. Only problem is that there is a 5 volt bias on that line, and I'm just now getting around to constructing an OP AMP curcuit to take the 9k6 audio and add the proper DC bias. A high performance OP AMP is needed to not distort the 9k6 audio; I'm using the NSC LMC-6082. Anyway, maybe between us we can come up with a "cookie cutter" MOD file for this excellent radio. Regards, Steve Diggs ---- Top Of The Rock BBS - Lilburn, GA SYSOP: Steve Diggs UUCP: Snailmail: 4181 Wash Lee Ct. Phone: +1 404 921 8687 Lilburn, GA 30247-7407 ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 94 21:17:00 GMT From: (Steve Diggs) Subject: GRAPES (56Kbps) setups -> We'd like to know is what people who actually have GRAPES modems -> have. Since the distance between us is 6.5 to 10 miles, I'd -> particularly like experiences from people who actually use GRAPES -> over this distance. We make extensive use of the GRAPES modem for our backbone in North Georgia. We use a less powerful transverter to go <60> miles, so I would think that the equivalent of two Dixie cups and some string would do your job. We are about to try the Down East Micro unit for the first time ourselves, but we expect acceptable performance from them. Regards, Steve Diggs, President East Atlanta LAN ---- Top Of The Rock BBS - Lilburn, GA SYSOP: Steve Diggs UUCP: Snailmail: 4181 Wash Lee Ct. Phone: +1 404 921 8687 Lilburn, GA 30247-7407 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Nov 1994 13:16:35 GMT From: Subject: MFJ Data Radio? In <398hk6$>, (Phlatline) writes: >This is kind of a plug on from an earlier author's message. > >I saw an ad for MFJ's dataradio which is supposedly 9600 baud ready. >It's a standalone crystal controlled system. (one frequency at a time, >probably allows simplex/duplex with appropriate crystals.) any way >the long and short of this is that i am lookin to get into packet (and >120 for this radio does not seem like a bad price) and what ever speed >i choose to start at i would like to be able to go to 9600 at any time >i want..... > >any comments on this radio please mail or post here > >--Dave Graff Call up MFJ and tell them you want info on the radio. I called them last week to get some info on the radio. They're not ready to ship yet. The radio requires some crystals with very strict tolerances and they're waiting to see what freq. people will want to run 9600b on. I suggested 145.53, 145.67 and 145.69. I asked them to send me info on what type of crystal was needed but I haven't received that info yet. 73's de Jack - kf5mg Internet - - - - work (looking for) AX25net - kf5mg@kf5mg.#dfw.tx.usa.noam - home (817) 488-4386 +=======================================================================+ + D.A.M. - Mothers Against Dyslexia + +=======================================================================+ ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 1994 04:48:06 GMT From: Lee Love <76666.1703@CompuServe.COM> Subject: NOS-BBS LISTSERVER What is the deal with the nos listserver ? I have used the instructions left here to subscribe but I have not received a single messages. Can someone please send me the address and syntax once again ? Thanks Lee - N4LXI -- Lee Love 76666, LLove @ 703-713-3508 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 23:56:35 GMT From: (Daniel Meredith) Subject: Pactor, HF, Binary Fi -> Path: stat!!!hookup!! -> From: -> Newsgroups: -> Subject: Re: Pactor, HF, Binary File Transfers ( CDN Question) -> Date: 3 Nov 1994 02:18:27 GMT -> Organization: Intel Corporation, Chandler, AZ -> Lines: 10 -> Distribution: world -> Message-ID: <399h9j$> -> References: -> NNTP-Posting-Host: -> Keywords: Pactor and binary transfers -> Originator: -> -> In article , David Seeler > -> >I was wondering if anyone has come across a terminal program which p -> >the transfer of binary data or 8 bit data via pactor. -> -> Does UUENCODE and UUDECODE work for amateur packet like it does for i Yes Cecil it will work fine...I'd suggest a slightly easier coding program called R95...It is used pretty widely on Packet and so is the program called 7Plus...However UUE/UUD will work fine... -> Thanks in advance. -> -- -> 73, Cecil, KG7BK, OOTC (All my own personal fuzzy logic, not Intel' -> ----- \---------------/ ----- Arizona Network Intertie Group "Serving Az's Digital Needs Since 1993" Daniel J. Meredith - N7MRP Voice: +1-602-809-7384 P.O. Box 44563 Fax : +1-602-956-2566 Phoenix, Arizona BBS : +1-602-912-0225 85064-4563 List Owner: F6fbb-List@Stat.Com Arizona Amateur Radio Packet Coordinator ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 11:54:27 GMT From: seeler@UPEI.CA (David Seeler) Subject: Pactor, HF, Binary File Transfers ( CDN Question) Hi - this is a question from the not so cold north ( so far :-) ) where secret codes are prohibited but that may not preclude the transfer of binary data on HF. I was wondering if anyone has come across a terminal program which permits the transfer of binary data or 8 bit data via pactor. Raw data sends are possible with DSP/PK Gold for example - but I have yet to come across any TNC program that would enable one to use the full capabilities of this mode. Suggestions etc are most welcome since we are interested in exploring some of these capabilities of Pactor. Thanks in advance..... de Dave Seeler, VY2DCS Internet: ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 1994 04:03:19 GMT From: Subject: Pakratt for Windows-PK232MBX Problem I recently installed Pakratt for Windows on my system and ran into a problem. The program will run but will not control the PK232MBX. I tried all configuations with no luck. To test the system I reinstalled Pakratt II for DOS. No problems! Fully operational. To test operation from Windows I ran the DOS Pakratt in both full screen and windowed modes. Again, no problems. Full operation. Then I found something strange. If I run Pakratt II and quit the program and then run Pakratt for Windows, it starts working fine! Has anybody run into this problem? The only thing I suspect may be causing this is the age of the ROM software in my PK232MBX (19 July 1990). It hasn't been upgraded for PACTOR but the unit should still initialize shouldn't it? Help! ~:)> ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 1994 17:37:43 GMT From: () Subject: Uzbekistan licensing requirements? I am looking for information about licensing requirements in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. I need answers to the following questions: Is there a reciprocal licensing agreement between the U.S. and Uzbekistan? Who would I contact for this information? How would I go about applying for a license there? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Larry, N2AYW. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 1994 17:36:33 GMT From: () Subject: Uzbekistan licensing requirements? I am looking for information about licensing requirements in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. I need answers to the following questions: Is there a reciprocal licensing agreement between the U.S. and Uzbekistan? Who would I contact for this information? How would I go about applying for a license there? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Larry, N2AYW. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 94 08:52:46 GMT From: healy@ee.unr.EDU (Bill Healy) Subject: WINSOCK <-> AX25 > From: (Rob Roschewsk) > Subject: WINSOCK <-> AX25 > > Has anyone come up with a winsock.dll that talks to TCP/IP over AX25????? > > de KA2PBT Look for ETHRAX25.ZIP on I think it's in /hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming Bill N8KHN ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #370 ******************************